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Monday, January 16, 2012

Go! Pack! Go!

   So, I know the Green Bay Packers are out of the playoffs...and I know that my beloved Brett Favre is no longer a cheesehead, but I still thought I would use one of my favorite chants to title my blog about packing (C-A-T-S, CATS, CATS, CATS-- just didn't work).  Also, it's really hard to find a clever and interesting title for a blog about something that some may consider to be a boring, yet necessary part of going on vacation.  

    For myself, and the other type-A Disney planners on the Disney Moms Panel, however, packing is one of the many highlights of any Disney trip. 

      Every good packer always begins with a list.  For your viewing and packing convenience, I am sharing my time-tested list with you.  Feel free to print out, highlight, and check-off to your heart's content!  You can even make copies and laminate them for further use.  Please don't judge just makes me happy...
**Diclaimer:  All great packing sessions are better with magical Disney music playing to create the perfect ambience
      My two boys are going with me to Disneyland for the Tinker Bell half marathon next week, so I decided to enlist their help.  I simply told them that we were going to Disneyland and we will be there for 3 days and they will be running a 5K during that time.  Not surprisingly, this is what they determined was necessary for their trips...(who doesn't need a vuvuzela to make a trip special?)

Packing for Disneyland if you are an 11-year-old "Type A" boy:

Packing for Disneyland if you are an 8-year-old "Type Z" boy who generally forgets to put on his undies and wears his socks with the heels flapping at the toes:

BONUS PACKING TIP:  I always pack an extra (empty) bag that I can either check-on for my return flight, or use as a carry on.  You ALWAYS end up coming home with more than you left with-- especially when you attend the awesome Fitness Expos! Definitely leave space for your new "This Isn't Sweat, This Is Liquid Awesome" shirt...

***Be sure and print out your race waiver and packet pick-up information for the Tinker Bell half marathon!!  

See you at the finish line!!!


  1. This isn't sweat, This is Liquid Awesome? I SO need that shirt!!!!

  2. Excited to follow your blog. I was telling my friends about you as the new Run Disney Mom and they said you are me since I run, homeschool and love Disney! Planning on the TOT run in Sept...can't wait!
